Designer Directory

Our designer directory makes it easier than ever to find the exact brand you need and love. You can also browse through our wide selection and discover new high-end designers that you may have never heard of.


Featured Brands

Whether you’re looking to buy a pre-owned designer handbag, your next dream Louis Vuitton piece or your first pair of Prada shoes, Lux Second Chance has you covered! Our designer directory makes it easier than ever to find the exact brand you need and love. You can also browse through our wide selection and discover new high-end designers that you may have never heard of. When you find the name you want, simply click on it to discover the products that we have to offer. Our head office is in Toronto, Canada but our designer consignment stores throughout Canada, U.S. and Europe ensure fast delivery internationally, delivered right to your front door!

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When you’re searching for the best designer resale in Canada – we’re your online destination for snagging premium, pre-loved luxury goods at unbelievably affordable prices – at up to 80% off! Working with some of the most renowned consignment shops from London to Paris to New York, we’re proud of the discernable reputation we’ve built over the years with both clients and consignors.

Providing uncompromising quality and complete customer satisfaction is fundamental to our success. That’s why we do not sell any reproduced items. We guarantee the authenticity of every item we sell with our 100% authenticity money-back guarantee policy. We impose stern and meticulous protocols for inspecting every product before we place it up for sale. The stitching, hardware, print, materials, date codes, stamps and labels are all carefully checked and rechecked to ensure you’re getting the real deal. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with the condition stated on our website, or if you feel that the product is not true to its name, do not hesitate to contact us.

With years of experience behind us, Lux Second Chance has grown a network of consignors from the best designer meccas, which allows us to add new and exciting pieces to our collections daily. It also enables us to offer some of the most exclusive, limited edition luxury products that are hard to find anywhere else. That’s why we are your go-to spot for luxury consignment goods. We take care of the leg work for you so that you can access and experience the luxury pieces you desire right from the comfort of your home.

Designer consignment is what we do best! So when you want to treat yourself to some glitz and glam luxury, experience pre-owned like-new or vintage luxury classics and modern pieces that won’t hinder your budget with Lux Second Chance.